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Teaching Opportunities

Thanks for your interest in sharing your talents with our Community.  Please look over our Introduction Letter and fill out our Class Proposal Form as completely as possible and we will be in touch shortly to follow up.


Thank you for your interest in teaching Community Classes at the Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School.  We are excited to be able to share your talents with the Community.


We will be refining this process as we find what works best, but I would like to give you an idea of what we expect, and what you can expect from us


We will first ask you to fill out our online Class Registration Form.  This is where you will submit the Class Description and photos/videos that we will be using for online and print publications to promote your classes.  We hope to have time to start promoting 1-2 months before the class  through flyers, newspaper press releases and Community Calendars, Facebook posts, and announcements to our email list. We are happy to share the pdfs for you to promote with your client lists as well.


You will also be asked for the pricing breakdown.  Class tuitions are currently broken down into supply fees and instructor fees per person.  You will need to figure the minimum number of students to be the minimum instructor fee that would make it beneficial for you to teach the class. Administrative costs require a fee which we are now figuring out on an individual basis, we will work this into class costs before promotion, so please just keep in mind that the class fees will be higher than the breakdown you provide in the proposal.  If supply fees cannot be broken down per person, then the minimum would be the number of students to realistically pay for supplies.  The maximum number of students is left to your discretion, or to how many people can comfortably work in the chosen space.  


We now have photos of the available classroom spaces.  Please take a look and provide your preferred classroom space in the form.


As these are Community Classes, we are excited to include all ages in our classes when possible, and ask that you define the appropriate age range for students.  Please specify if younger students need to be accompanied by a parent/adult.


Finally, there is a section for the proposed date you would like to begin, and a chance for you to describe the class parameters (1day workshop, 3 weekly 2hr classes, week days, weekends, etc)  We will try to accommodate your preferences, and will work with you personally to set these up.


We will be providing online registration through our website, where people can view photos/videos and descriptions of upcoming classes and register and pay online through PayPal.  If the minimum number of students is not met through registration, we may reschedule the class for a later date.  


Payments to instructors will be broken down by class.  Generally, we will reimburse you for supplies at the beginning of your first class, and pay your instructor fee at the end of the class. Payments can be made directly to your PayPal account or by check through the mail.


We can provide you with the emails of students enrolled and we encourage you to do a class introduction that you can email before the first class. This would briefly outline what to expect, any prep work they can do, YouTube videos they may want to watch for inspiration, if they want to bring sketches of project ideas, or bring their own similar work to share.  Also please outline appropriate attire and safety gear or personal supplies they should bring.  Don’t forget to remind people to bring lunches if necessary.` Please include communityedhkol on your emails and remember to bcc participants to protect their privacy.


We will be asking students to sign liability waivers at the beginning of each class series, and will ask for class evaluations at the end of the series. The liability waivers will also include a release to share images and emails.  We will also be asking instructors to fill out evaluations, so we can continue to improve our program. We are always available to talk with you about ideas or criticisms.


We hope to be able to continue to offer the same  classes throughout the year, and look forward to working with you well into the future.


Please fill out the Class Proposal Form here


Mahalo Nui Loa for helping to enrich our Community.

We look forward to working with you.





Rachel Conder

Laupahoehoe Community Education


call/text 808.936.4176

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